Massimo Masini

“Photographing people allows you to discover and humanity if only for a moment gives you the illusion of being able to do absolutely.”

His deep attraction to photography originates from his childhood. Therefore, he begins taking pictures and developing them in a darkroom, that today he jokingly remembers as the “magic room”.His first professional approach is to the cinema industry and dates back to when he was young. His grandfather was a director, and it is from him that he gains valuable practical experience and his talent in telling stories through framing. Shortly after, he begins his collaboration with the most important advertising, fashion and publishing agencies for the performing arts. Today, he is internationally known and appreciated. A style inspired by the simplicity of shapes and geometries. Many of his images fill the pages of the most important and prestigious magazines, promoting companies and telling about extraordinary figures. In recent years, his work has been rewarded with three International Awards for portrait photography.

Read the full interview of Massimo Masini.

  • Massimo Masini wants to shoot pictures of me? Rolling Stone, Playboy, Maxim... and me? That's gotta be the sign post up ahead, 'cause i've just entered the Twilight Zone. On a plane from Rome, and he's shooting in my North Hollywood home. No sense trying to figure it out. Intensity inspiring. I may be the subject of the portraits, but these images are about him. Each the brush stroke of a master. Light shadow. Things and ideas. Another dimension. Somehow i end up through the brilliant lens of Massimo Masini. He transforms me into more than i think i am. Massimo is a master, and just watching him work would have been enough. Here are a few of the shots Massimo took that day. He literally worked from dusk until dawn. Massimo... thank you for the treasure of a lifetime.

    Doug Drexler

    (special effects artist)

    Massimo comes from the long italian tradition of the"idealizing vision" that is not to be taken for granted in these digital days where the average is being celebrated on the internet or reality TV. Everyone with an iphone seems to be a photographer now but not everyone has an eye like Massimo.

    Marcus Nispel

    (director and producer)

  • Working with Massimo, well, the "feeling" is a combo of the Beatles lyrics: "The magical mystery tour is waiting to take you away waiting to take you away" and Jimi Hendrix: "If you can just get your mind together then come on across to me we'll hold hands and then we'll watch the sunrise but first, are you experienced have you ever been experienced? Well, I have". It's a trip, you are working with an Italian master transported from the renaissance period. The depth, nauance and humanity that is enmeshed within you will be revealed. The end results are raw, honest, rich and textured.

    Michele Burke

    (makeup artist)

    Lavorare con Massimo è un’esperienza unica. Ho imparato grazie a lui che un fotografo deve saper cogliere particolari, sfumature, espressioni di cui neanche il soggetto che sta fotografando è a conoscenza. Ho scoperto lati di me che non conoscevo grazie agli sguardi che ha saputo cogliere. Massimo scava in profondità e porta alla luce lati nascosti. A volte bui, altre volte solari, dandoti la sensazione che dentro ognuno di noi ci sia davvero tutto. Sta a noi scegliere quale lato vogliamo esprimere e quali caratteristiche ci rappresentano di più.



    Now that you know me a little better want to contact me?

    • Talk with me

      To send a message directly to Massimo.

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    • Work With Me

      - Want to send your proposal of collaboration as an assistant, make-up artist, stylist, graphic / a etc.? Send a brief presentation by attaching your CV to:
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      - For casting applications and send a brief presentation, CV, contact details and 2/3 recent photographs in JPEG format:
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